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If this works out as you would state, then I might be interested in exploring it further. Again, I'm speaking on a subject I only know little on. Besides my tech friends that constantly talk to me about it. :)

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way.

In the case of Windows and Microsoft, i think you're thinking too small; consumers love free items especially items that are very user friendly, which is almost all open source I've ever experienced. This would completely wipe out Microsoft.

The whole idea of open source is anti capitalism which goes against our current economy. If we began to support such measures then we would have to change our economy. Which I don't foresee the government doing anytime soon.

Simply raise taxes? Not that simple, especially when you consider that this is supposed to be open source and that means that it is open in all regards. Once you allow the government to steer, you take away the vital element that keeps it afloat, no regulation.

The main reason behind saying no is the simple fact that if the government gives money to Open source then they will have rights to regulate it. As with all government money, they always expect some sort of utility in return. While open source would be great for the masses, it would mean less big companies bringing in profits and profits equal tax dollars.

That's how I understood it but after talking to a friend, who is very involved, I just ended up in confusion around the subject. He was saying that there is more to it than meets the eye.

That would be awesome...invite people to the debate as well, it's important we get the entire community involved in this one.

Oh yeah, one more site:

Sorry about just sounded exactly like something I read. I sincerely appologize.

That's the big debate right now. I don't know everything about this subject but have found that my friends that are very tech invovled don't like it. It's also a play on words.....they use neutrality to make it look good but all it does is confuse the masses because they think, neutral-yeah that's good. But there is a lot more to know...

You just copied and pasted one point of view...

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"Keeping exploring, keep debating. Cheers!"

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Name: Felipe 
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 60642
Religion: Atheist
Education: Masters

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