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 What is the superior programming language? (3)

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frenchieak(1132) pic

What is the superior programming language?

There are many, and I have tried many, but which programming language is the all-around best?

Which would you recommend and why?

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2 points

I actually took a computer programming class sophomore year and regretted it all of the time. >.<

We did Java the first half, and I did horrible- but so did most of the class. So we switched over to Python and I still really sucked, but this time around, he only lost me half way through and I learned to copy other people's programs for assignments (it was the same assignment for everyone), so I did significantly better. Still, I preferred Python...

Side: Python

I've tried Python, and I've liked it so far. I've been skipping around for a while now, mostly because the free instruction that one can find on the internet is pretty low-level, and once I get to a certain level, not much that's understandable to me is out there.

I think I'm going to go back to Python for a while, see if I can get any farther with that.

Side: Python
1 point

I'm currently trying to develop a game in C#, and it's really, really hard. The language is frustrating, the environment is annoying, it's just hard to do. Python, though, is amazing. It's where I test most of my code and work out most of my algorithms before I implement them in C#. I <3 Python. Plus, a huge amount of the back-end of EVE Online is written in Python, so that's a +1

Side: Python