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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:23
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MKIced(2511) pic

Is there such a thing as internet addiction?

So I have a college writing final tomorrow morning.  The topic? "Argue for or against the existence of internet addiction or take any position in between."

They gave us a bunch of articles to look over and we have to use 3 in-text quotes from these articles.  But enough about me!  I already know what I'm writing on.... What about you guys?

Is internet addiction a legitimate psychological disorder?  Or is it just an overdependence on technology?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 2

I think that there is such a thing as an internet addition because if you look at me I come home from school at about 5:30 pm and the first thing I do is turn my computer check my e-mails play a few quick games then do my prep.(getting most of my info fron the internet) (Or as the coolest of the internet peoplez call it "The Net")

Side: yes
1 point

It's like being addicted to a video game. Easy to get addicted to. Dumb topic.

Side: yes
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

If it's such a dumb topic, then why do so many countries not recognize it? Right now, there are rehabilitation clinics in China, South Korea, Taiwan, and a few in the US. South Korea is leading the world in training psychiatrists to deal with this, but what about the rest of the world? Nothing really.

Side: yes
1 point

"Is internet addiction a legitimate psychological disorder?"

Yes, just ask any psychologist. It can manifest itself in many forms...some even branch out from sex addiction.

Side: yes
1 point

It's hard for those who has never got addicted to internet to understand how getting addicted to internet feels, and what the symptoms are. Basically, I am right now,, addicted to internet, cuz I unconciously turn the internet on and start surfing websites even though I havent got any purposes. The first thing an internet addicter would do is to turn the cpu on and go surfing irrelevent to one's will.

Side: yes

I come on here everyday, and I've used the internet almost everyday for nearly a decade. I THINK SO!

Side: yes
1 point

yes there is because i am on it right now at 240 in the morning

Side: yes

I have nearly 300 points this week - if I were not addicted, would I have so many?

I also use Essembly.

Side: yes
1 point

yes, there is such a thing.Sometimes when people get on to the internet, they simply cannot get off because they are addicted. And....I'm one of the guilty ones....

Side: yes
1 point

Anything that causes release of dopamine, and can re-enforce a particular behaviour though neurotransmitter release can become addictive.

By doing something repeatedly, and prolonged denile of the behaviour causes negative behaviour or abnormal functioning can and should be classified as an addiction.

Many social addictions exist (e.g. gambling, shopping etc), why would the internet be exempt from this?

Side: yes
1 point

yes, Internet addiction is a disorder... like alcohol or drug addiction. Because people nowadays cannot live without Internet and spend all their time on the Internet. and it can lead to a lot of problems, as bad family relationship, insomnia, academic problems. People become more aggressive and maybe reserved because they do not communicate in the real life they live in a virtual life...

Side: yes
1 point

Yes there is . Because the more we use technology , the more we think there is gonna be a great outcome to it . It could actually ruin us .

Side: Yes

I'm an internet addict spending too much on the net without doing anything significant something worthwhile in life.

Side: Yes

It's for real. There are some folks who will go crazy if they are left away from the Internet for a single day.

Side: Yes

Look at how many points I have managed to accumulate. There must be something wrong with me ;)

There's a reason why my debate community is called Joe_cavalry All Day Every Day (JADED). ;)

People want entertainment as they wait for the final curtain call. Some prefer passive entertainment like watching movies, others prefer more active entertainment that engages their brain or emotions, like CD. A workaholic is someone that likes extreme active entertainment. ;)

Side: yes
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